
JLPT Study Update 7.29.2020

As many of you know, I am studying for the JLPT N3 test. This test has been particularly difficult to study for due to lack or motivation from the pandemic. I have previously been studying with the New Kanzen Master series of books, but it felt like there wasn’t enough explanation of “how" and more of just practice for after you already know the items.

This week, I finally found a great website and a new method for learning! I started using They have full grammar lists for each test level with a detailed description of each grammar point and a ton of examples. This makes it much easier to understand.

For my study method, I’ve been writing down each grammar point, how to form it, and several samples in my own study notes. Writing it helps me to remember it. It really feels like I am making progress now.

Originally, I planned to take the test in December as a practice run. I didn’t think I would pass this time around, but I mostly wanted to get an idea of how difficult this level would be. I passed the prior level last year, and one year didn’t seem like enough time to get through all of the materials for this next level. However, I just found out that the JLPT test has been canceled for 2020 in the US. So, I’ve set a goal for myself to take the JLPT N3 in Japan next July! Hopefully by then, travel will be possible again. I think it would be great motivation to plan to take the exam in Japan.

Regardless, I will study hard and aim to pass the JLPT N3 in Japan next July!