
A Hike Below the Matterhorn


I have always loved getting out into nature, especially the mountains. So when the opportunity to see the Matterhorn in person presented itself, I was incredibly excited. The Matterhorn sits on the border of Italy and Switzerland. If you’ve been to Disneyland, there’s even a ride named after it! This is a famous landmark for mountain lovers everywhere.

I selected an easy hike in Italy that started in the ski town of Cervinia-Breuil and went up to a beautiful turquoise lake in front of the Matterhorn, called Lac de Goillet. This would be our goal for the day.

The day started with a scenic drive through the Italian Alps. We passed tiny mountain towns and winding streams. We even stopped at a local roadside fruit stand to pick up fresh fruit for a snack on our hike.


Finally, we arrived in Cervinia. This town has picturesque views all around it, with a gorgeous stream at the entrance to the town, waterfalls trailing from mountain peaks in the distance, and of course, the Matterhorn towering above us. The buildings are something you’d only see as a replica in US ski towns, but this was the real deal!

First, we had to prepare for a day of hiking. And what better way to prepare than a delicious breakfast outside with Matterhorn views. We went to a local pastry shop called Sweet Side. They had tons of cute little breakfast pastries to choose from, called pasticcini. We picked a few, plus a chocolate croissant, and ate them with a cup of espresso while taking in the fresh mountain air.

Then, we went next door to a little shop with meats, cheeses, and jam called Cervinia Gourmet. My boyfriend had already packed us local cheeses from his hometown, so we just wanted some jam and crackers to go with it. We also got a chinotto, an Italian citrus soda. Then, we set out on our hike.

On our hike we passed fields of wildflowers, mountain cow farms where cheese is produced locally called alpeggi, and even some little creeks along the way. The Matterhorn was a clear and majestic background throughout the hike. As we started to climb higher in elevation, the air got significantly colder. The clouds began to roll in, but it kept us cool on our hike.

Finally, we made it to the lake. We unpacked our picnic and snacked while sitting on a large boulder next to the water. The cheese paired perfectly with the fruit and jam and was the best reward for a successful hike. The Matterhorn was masked by clouds at this point but the views we still just as impressive.

After this, we hiked back down to the town. The hike down was frigid and cold from the cloud cover, so we were very excited to treat ourselves to some nice hot chocolate once we reached the bottom.


This was a day I’ll never forget. Every moment was incredible. If you get a chance to make a day trip from Turin or Milan, this place is a must! Check it out on your next Italian adventure.

Hiking at Squaw Valley

The weather is warming up! So let’s head to the mountains for a hike! Squaw Valley, an alpine resort area in Olympic Valley, California, is in the Lake Tahoe area. This is the perfect place for a fun day trip filled with food, shopping, hiking, and a mountain top swim!

Squaw Valley is the name of the resort area at the base of the mountain with shops and restaurants. They also run the ski lift to the hiking area. They have tons of great outdoor clothing shops as well as other great one of a kind stores. The restaurants are all top notch, and many are even dog friendly!

I like to start my day by taking the tram up to the top of the mountain where you can begin your hike. On the way up, you’ll see the most beautiful rock formations and mountain scenery down below as your tram slowly climbs higher and higher up the mountain side. A ticket can be booked in advance online and costs $29 round trip, up and down the mountain.

Once at the top, there’s tons of activities to do. I go straight for a hike! I hiked to see Emigrant peak and then hiked to the top of Squaw peak. The views were incredible! I could see down to Lake Tahoe off in the distance, as well as all of the valley I had just climbed moments before. I will mention, it can be a bit cold some days, even in mid August. So check the weather before you go for high camp.

After soaking in the views, I took a swim in the hot tub and pool located at high camp. It was so relaxing after a nice hike, and you can really enjoy the mountain air from the nice hot water.

For dinner, I took the tram back down the mountain to the Squaw Valley resort area and ate outside. The day I went, they resort was having a wine festival. There was live music and wine booths set up all around the outdoor shopping area. I also was able to enjoy some great shopping before heading back to the big city later that evening.

If you’re looking for a fun day trip from Sacramento or even just looking for places to explore in the Tahoe area, check out Squaw Valley. Between the hiking, shopping, eating, and swimming, there’s something for everyone here.

Arashiyama Monkey Park - Kyoto


If you’re looking for a unique experience in Kyoto, you’ll definitely want to check out Arashiyama Monkey Park. Located in the historic Arashiyama area of Kyoto, this park offers a chance to interact with some of Japan’s famous macaque monkeys.

Entrance costs 550 JPY, which is roughly $5 USD. After passing the entrance, you’ll hike for about 15-20 minutes uphill. It’s a nice hike on an easy trail that is well maintained. Soon, you’ll reach the top and begin seeing monkeys. The summit of this small mountain has a few smaller trails to walk around on to see the monkeys, as well as a little courtyard area.

At the edge of the courtyard, there is a small building that sells monkey food. This building has fenced windows, so you can stand inside the building and feed the monkeys through the fence as they stand outside. It’s like the opposite of a zoo, putting the humans inside the building for the monkeys to look at. It was so fun to feed them! They stick their little hands in and grab the food directly from your hands!


At the end, we walked up a small trail to the very top where we could see the entire monkey park and look down over all of Kyoto. This park offers amazing views of the city! I definitely recommend checking out this park. If you love animals, this is the place to go and interact with them! Check it out next time you’re in Kyoto.

Cave River Tubing - Tanamá River Adventures


Are you looking for a more unique outdoor experience in Puerto Rico? How about not just hiking but also a river adventure? We booked with Tanamá River Adventures for a morning of hiking and riding innertubes down a river through a cave, in Utuado, Puerto Rico.

We started by meeting at their main headquarters, where we gathered our equipment for the day. We were suited up with helmets, life jackets, and headlamps for the dark cave. I suggest wearing water shoes and a swimsuit under hiking clothes for this event. From there, our guide took us in a van through some winding roads, deep into the mountains. Finally, we arrived at a small parking area with a few rural homes. Here we began our hike.

It was a very mild and easy hike. Our guide told us about the local plants, which ones to avoid and which ones were safe. He even picked us each an orange from a wild orange tree growing along the trail. Our hike took us to the edge of the river. Here is where we grabbed our innertubes. At this launching point, we could see the mouth of the cave a little ways down the river. On both sides of there river, there was jungle and cliff faces.


We hopped in the tubes and linked our feet onto the tube behind us, forming a chain. Our guide went first, and began to lead us down the river through the cave. We turned on our headlamps as we got deeper into the cave. We could see beautiful cave formations, as well as a few critters on the rock walls around us. It was an exciting and simple pass through the cave. The guide takes care of leading your chain of tubes directly through. Once on the other side, you have some free time.


We began to explore some of the pools of water, calm enough for swimming. We took some photos and enjoyed the jungle around us. Our guide even pointed out a freshwater spring that had water so fresh you could drink from it (and one of our friends did)! Finally, we started our trek back. We hopped into our tubes again and paddled back through the cave. The water is very calm with only a mild current, easy to paddle through. Once we got to the other side, we had the option for some cliff jumping!


Only one of our group was brave enough to make the jump off of the cliffs on the sides of the river. There was a large rock face, about 15 feet high or so. The guide led him up to the top where he jumped off into the river below. You have to be careful to jump past the rocky part of the river, and into the deeper section, but overall, our friend really enjoyed it!


At the end of our trip, we made the hike back to the parking area, and returned to the headquarters. The shop has showers where you can get clean and change into dry clothes. We had an amazing journey and definitely recommend this to anyone seeking some adventure on their trip! We finished that day off with a hearty meal, which you can read about in my last post.

Check out Tanamá River Adventures to book your trip. It really is the experience of a lifetime!